The Life of Osama Hamad al-Matni of Faz'at Fakhr in Suwayda'
The security situation in Syria’s southern province of Suwayda’, which is formally under Syrian government control, continues to be problematic, with frequent incidents of kidnappings and other criminal activities. Recently, one individual called Osama Hamad al-Matni, who belonged to the local ‘Faz‘at Fakhr’ faction, was found dead. Below is a very brief outline of his life.
Osama was born in 1995 and originated from the village of al-Kseib that lies to the northeast of Suwayda’ city. He worked in real estate and joined the Faz‘at Fakhr faction five years ago, serving as an ordinary fighter within its ranks. He participated in a number of battles in Suwayda’ (Jabal al-Arab/Jabal al-Druze) including the battle of al-Maqran al-Sharqi in 2018 (part of the defence of Suwayda’ against the attacks of the Islamic State) and the battle of al-Qurayya in 2020 that involved clashes with the ‘Eighth Brigade’ formation of Deraa. He also participated in the campaigns last year against groups in Suwayda’ perceived as criminal gangs.
He was kidnapped many days ago and his body was found thrown on the side of the road. He appears to have been killed by a member of the Gharaz al-Din family, and relatives have handed over the suspect to the authorities.