Back in 2020, I translated a pamphlet that was entitled “The Second Danger” and issued by the “Fatherland Front,” which was the ruling faction in Austria for much of the 1930s prior to the Anschluss (annexation) by Nazi Germany in 1938. The pamphlet warned of the danger of National Socialism (Nazism) to Austrian freedom and identity.
The pamphlet that is the subject of this post, entitled “The Judasness of the Austro-Nazis” (lit. “The Judas Action of the Austro-Nazis”) serves as a companion publication, focusing more on the economic harm brought upon Austria by the Nazis. The key policy that the pamphlet focuses on is the 1000 marks fee that Nazi Germany imposed (per a law passed on 1 June 1933) upon the German traveller who wished to enter Austria, thereby deterring German tourism and inflicting considerable damage on the Austrian economy.
Among the main points of this pamphlet:
1. This sort of economic blockade is unprecedented, and contrasts with how Germans can freely travel to other countries such as Spain.
2. The Austrian Nazis have been instigators of this policy, and their actions are treason similar to how Coriolanus betrayed the Roman Republic and led the Volsci against it, though Coriolanus was eventually set straight.