The Baniyas Massacres Nine Years On
The issue of massacres committed during the Syrian civil war recently came to prominent public attention again with the leaked video footage of a massacre committed by Syrian government forces in the Tadhamun neighbourhood of Damascus city back in 2013. While the details and footage are horrific, it is important that this kind of material be made public for the sake of historical remembrance, and in the hope of accountability and change. Indeed, there has been talk that the Syrian government has been reviewing the Tadhamun massacre, and it is possible that the recent releases of detainees and government decree of an amnesty for non-lethal ‘terror’ offences have some link with the publicity surrounding it. Even if the latter is not the case, however, there is nonetheless a public interest served in preserving and publicising the memory of massacres, regardless of which side perpetrated them. For instance, I have similarly covered in the past massacres committed by insurgents in Ishtabraq (2015), Qalb Lawze (2015) and Latakia countryside (2013). Of course, there should also be documentation of ongoing violations, such as the hundreds of assassinations in the southern Deraa province since 2018.
As it turns out, nine years have recently passed since massacres committed by government forces in the Baniyas area of Tartous province (which has otherwise seen few disturbances during the civil war). These massacres targeted the village of al-Bayda and the neighbourhood of Ras al-Naba’, where there was support for the opposition and insurgency. The memory of these massacres has taken on a highly sectarian dimension, being perceived as targeting of Sunnis for ethnic cleansing by Alawites. It is within this sectarian angle that the following detailed account has been prepared and released by ‘Abu Ibrahim al-Shami’ of the Telegram channel “Archive of the Battles and Martyrs of the Syrian Sahel” (Sahel means the Syrian coastal areas). Of course, I do not at all agree with this sectarian angle (which is also aimed at the ‘Rafidites’- a derogatory term for the Shi’a), but the facts of the massacres should not be denied. According to Shami (both from the report itself and in clarification to me), his account is based on a combination of reports prepared by human rights organisations at the time (Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International), but also his own interviews with local insurgent group leaders in particular and other witnesses, which give more insight to the circumstances of these massacres. There is also use of open source evidence (including videos from Youtube). Importantly also, the report contains some acknowledgement of massacres that were committed in Latakia countryside in summer 2013 against Alawites (though justifying and praising them as supposedly being in revenge for these massacres).
I have translated the report in full below. I make it freely available.
A remembrance of blood
The Baniyas massacre
Prepared by Abu Ibrahim al-Shami
Details of the massacre of the village of al-Bayda and the Ras al-Naba’ neighbourhood in the city of Baniyas
A remembrance of blood
Prepared by Abu Ibrahim al-Shami
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful
In the beginning, what pushed me to write this report…
1. It makes clear the criminality of this filthy sect called the Nusayris, which has come out from the womb of a sect of greater evil and filth than it: namely, the Rafidites, who participated with them in the massacre.
2. Writing the history of the blessed revolution of al-Sham and in particular the revolution of the Sahel against the tyrant of al-Sham.
3. Making clear the true stories of the massacre, and the true numbers of the killed and detained.
4. Defending the free revolutionaries who remove humiliation from the Sunnis in Baniyas.
5. Encouraging continuation of the path of jihad to take revenge for the slain of the Muslims in Baniyas and other places.
My work in this report:
I have relied in the first instance in eyewitnesses to the massacre, whether they were civilians or fighters or field commanders.
Then I compared the witness testimonies and the global reports that were written about this massacre like the report of the NGO Human Rights Watch, the report of Amnesty International, the report of the Syrian Human Rights Network group, the report of the al-Jazeera channel, the report of the Zaman al-Wasl site, the site of Enab Baladi and other sites that wrote about this massacre or slaughter if the expression is to be correct.
I have benefited from these reports in transmitting the witness testimony about the massacre. I have mutually corroborated some of the stories from a considerable number of the witnesses, so these stories have become as though they are eyesight. I have added a number of photos of the massacre connected with the testimony of witnesses along with a number of links to Youtube clips to document the massacre.
Thanks and regards:
It is not possible form me in this place to do anything but thank the brothers who indicated their testimony whether orally or through social media sites.
I give particular thanks and regards to the work team of the channel Archive of the Battles and Martyrs of the Syrian Sahel for they helped me a lot in realising this work.
Link to the channel of the Archive of the Battles and Martyrs of the Syrian Sahel on Telegram:
And God is the guarantor of success
22 Ramadan 1443 AH
23 April 2022 CE
Details of the massacre of the village of al-Bayda and the Ras al-Naba’ neighbourhood in the city of Baniyas
A remembrance of blood
2 May 2013/22 Jumada al-Akhira 1434 AH
The beginning of the revolution to before the massacre:
With the beginning of the Syrian revolution the city of Baniyas and its villages were among the first of those to revolt against the Nusayri regime, for the first demonstration in the Sahel was in the city of Baniyas on date 18 March 2011 and after that the demonstrations followed in succession in the cities and villages of the Sahel and among them the Sunni village of Bayda located north of the city of Baniyas, some 10 km away from it. The number of its inhabitants is around 7000 people and its people are Sunnis and in it are Christian minorities.
On 12 April 2011, the security forces and the Nusayri shabiha assaulted the village of al-Bayda and gathered many of its inhabitants in the main square of the locality andattacked them with hitting, kicking, degradation and cursing.
This attack was filmed and the clip attracted widespread interest on its broadcasting on regional and international TV stations (and the clip is still present till now on Youtube:
Because of its geographical isolation from the rest of the bases of the revolution, that led to the reduction of the activity of the revolutionaries in Baniyas, al-Bayda and other places.
The beginning of the armed confrontation:
With the beginning of the armed confrontation with the Nusayri regime in the Syrian cities at the beginning of 2012, the village of al-Bayda had a share of the military operations against checkpoints and patrols of the security, army, and shabiha in the city of Baniyas and al-Bayda, and these operations were primitive with light weapons and deficiency in military skills, number and equipment. The arms present with the revolutionaries were either present before the revolution or weapons of soldiers who had defected or purchased weapons.
In early 2013, the revolutions launched some various striking attacks on the checkpoints and patrols of the army and the shabiha in Baniyad, and in March 2013 an armed group that called itself ‘Kata’ib Nasr al-Islam’ announced its formation in the city of Baniyas. One of its soldiers says that when the army and shabiha launched their attack on al-Bayda in 2 May 2013, the group had not yet participated in any direct confrontation with the Nusayri army and its shabiha.
The direct cause of the slaughter
There is no doubt that the main and direct reason for the massacre is the deep-seated hatred for the Sunnis and with the goal of displacing them from the Sunni village of al-Bayda that is located amid Nusayri villages, as one of the Nusayri officers admitted without his name being mentioned. This was the first demographic change in Syria, for those who did the massacre are Nusayris, Rafidites, and civilian shabiha Nusayri from the neighbouring villages. The other reason is to make the revolutionaries bear the brunt of all that happens to the Ahl al-Sunnna, and because of the Ahl al-Sunna’s sympathy with the revolutionaries in al-Bayda and other places. All that paved the way for the occurrence of the massacre or slaughter.
The indirect reasons:
1. That hatred was increased by a number of military operations in Baniyas and its countryside and in particular in the village of al-Bayda, like planting IEDs and ambushes on the roads, and kidnapping of spies and supporters of the regime and other reasons.
2. The securing of dozens of cases of defection of the soldiers of the army and securing them and hiding them in the lands and hidden places of refuge.
3. The story that broke the camel’s back: on date 30 April, two days before the massacre, the regime managed, after long months of searching, to arrest one of the field activities and among the most prominent of the personalities of the revolutionaries in al-Bayda. He was responsible for organising the logistical support for the defectors from the army, and in his possession was a valuable treasure for the security as he had the numbers of defectors and revolutionaries and the leaders of the groups, as well as the numbers of officers of the army who were helping the revolutionaries by informing them of the times that the army would assault them.
His arrest was a mistake, for the patrols of the security came to arrest some of the wanted youth near his house, and his custom was not to spend the night in his house because of the danger to him, but on that day he slept in his house, and at 7 a.m., the security patrols surrounded the desired house and arrest its members, and during the passing of the Nusayri officer near the house of the wanted person, the wanted person’s phone rang, so the officer heard that, and he said to the soldiers: assault this house. So they assaulted it and managed to take him prisoner.
Immediately after his arrest, the place for weapons was changed and they took the defector soldiers to the neighbouring places in fear that he would confess the place of the arms and soldiers.
Necessary note:
Some think that the main reason for the massacre is revenge against the operations of the revolutionaries against the army in terms of ambushes and IEDs, and this is not at all true. Rather the main reason was to punish all who stand with the revolutionaries and sympathise with them and so that the people should hate the revolutionaries, who, per their claim, are ‘a reason for the massacre.’ Likewise if the reason of the massacre were the military strikes, the Nusayri army would have taken revenge on the families of the youth of Jabal al-Akrad and Jabal al-Turkoman present in the city of Latakia that is under its control. These people make the army taste woes in the mountains and killed and took prisoner many of its soldiers (praise be to God). In addition, what the revolutionaries do in terms of military operations is a legitimate right for every oppressed person, but the Nusayri regime was striving for there to arise a fissure between the revolutionaries and the Muslim massacres, in that the revolutionaries would be a reason for the killing and displacement, so all the blame would fall on the revolutionaries after any killing done by the Nusayris, but the real reason is the hatred and old resentment for the Ahl al-Sunna in Baniyas and other places, and the opportunity presented itself for them to express their hatred in the killing of the women and children.
Before the slaughter
News was leaked by one of the people from the city of Baniyas who was living in Lebanon that the Nusayri regime was preparing for a massacre and slaughter against the Ahl al-Sunna in Baniyas, and for his part he informed one of the field commanders in Baniyas about that, so it was necessary to be cautious and aware, but these words were not taken seriously and no one thought that their criminality would read this level of wretchedness and monstrosity that they perpetrated against the Sunnis in al-Bayda and Ras al-Naba’.
Video of the Nusayri Mihrac Ural known as Ali al-Kayali in which he threatens the people of Baniyas, and the video was leaked after the massacre, so it is clear they were prepared for that.
The campaign of arrests and resisting it
Two days after the arrest of the field activist and at dawn on Thursday 2 May 2013, a convoy composed of four cars and a bus filled with the army and shabiha headed in the direction of al-Bayda and with them was the arrest bound by the hands, compelled to guide them to the houses of the wanted ones (according to the eye witnesses), so they spread snipers on the roofs of the buildings and they began the assault operations on the homes of the wanted ones.
In one of the homes of the wanted, there were three defectors with their weapons, so the clashes broke out in this home during the assault on it, as the security were not prepared for the clash, so one of those who were in the house made contact and demanded help from his brothers, so a small group came and clashed with the army and killed and wounded a number of them and managed to break the siege on the wanted and cause them to flee. In this clash six were killed (and also it has been said: nine) from the army and the shabiha, and more than 20 were wounded according to eye-witnesses.
Meanwhile a number of groups went to connect the roads leading to the sight of the clash in order to protect or slow the advance of the reinforcements to the place of the clash from the side of the route of the Christian village of al-Marah and the route of the Nusayri village of al-Mawrad and the route of the Nusayri village of al-Jarisiya, in which they could not be steadfast before the convoys of the army.
At 10:20 a.m., the group ‘Nasr al-Islam’ (which was formed a month or more before the massacre) [published on its Facebook page that it had targeted a convoy composed of four armoured vehicles coming to arrest the defectors.
The beginning of the assault on the village of al-Bayda and the killing of all who appeared in front of them
In the morning of that say, the Nusayri army sent a big convoy in which there were hundreds of soldiers and shabiha in order to reinforce the security patrols stuck inside the village of al-Bayda. The electricity and connections had been cut off from the village. The entry of the army to the village was from the main route of the village and from the route of the village of al-Marah and from the route of the Nusayri village of al-Jarisiya. Thus the army and shabiha began to surround the locality from all sides. They began bombing it with tanks, mortars and machine guns from a military point (air defence) higher than al-Bayda near the village of al-Razba, and a mortar round fell on the mosque of the village, and through this bombing no one was killed, and at noon the bombing calmed as well as the sound of bullets, and the revolutionaries withdrew towards the gardens and caves and the Nusayri army seized the village.
The shabiha from the militias of the National Defence, the militia of the Rafidite Hezbollah, the militia of the Syrian Resistance in Liwa Iskenderun, and Nusayri civilians began coming together in convoys towards the village of al-Bayda, and they gathered in the area of the post office and the main square.
A video in which the Nusayri army appears in large numbers in the square of the village of al-Bayda.
The Nusayri villages form which the shabiha came out: al-Mawrid, al-Zuba, al-Qub, Harisun, Kawkab, ‘Ala al-Basatin, al-‘Asayba, al-Daliya, Ka’iba Farish, Deir al-Bashl, al-‘Anara, Tayro, Ta’nita, Sarbiyun, al-Qalu’, Barmaya, Baluza, and many of the shabiha from the villages of Tartous and Latakia.
The families from which the shabiha came out: Ahmad, al-Mashraqi, al-‘Aiki, Ali, al-‘Aiq, Al Jadid, al-Shimali, Hassan, Sa’ud, Zahra, Al Diyub (don’t forget these villages and these names that participated in the massacre, for the days are alternations, and the war alternates, and between us and them are days).
One of the witnesses said: I saw some of the Rafidites and Nusayris as they bore swords and cleavers with which they entered into the village. Another said: I saw an officer carrying a sword on his back.
One of the witnesses says: no one felt that death and killing were on their way to them.
They began gathering the men in the village square and various places of the village like the primary school and one of the phone shops, and they killed them straight away. They also were killing all who came out in their face, for they would knock on the doors and the first who came out in their face, they would kill that person, such that they were killing the women and children without distinction, mercy or pity. The killing was not only by gunfire, but also through swords, cleavers and broken glass. They would burn them after killing them, and they burned many of them alive, and the smell of blood and he smell of the burning of the bodies filled the place such that the intensity of the stench was nauseating. This matter was most similar to the Mongol invasion of Damascus and Baghdad, and the stench of death was in every place.
During the slaughter, the people hurried to hide in the church that is in the village and they fled towards the lands and gardens in fear of the killing and oppression, and the slaughter lasted for more than five hours from before noon till the afternoon of that day.
After the slaughter, the Nusayris and shabiha arrested 65 (and it has been said: 70) youths from the village of al-Basatin and they led them to the villages of the Nusayris and they killed them in them, as told by some of the witnesses.
[Caption: The last photo of those who were arrested and taken to the Nusayri villages and nothing was known about them].
After the massacre, the Nusayris celebrated what they did against the Ahl al-Sunna, such that they returned to their villages and their knives were still dripping with blood. One of the witnesses says: I saw them raising their knives as they dripped with blood, and I saw a Nusayri woman wearing obscene clothing and dancing on the corpses of the Ahl al-Sunna, so I wished that I had died before this when I was in oblivion and forgotten.
A witness to the massacre:
Execution of members of the Swaid family and their neighbours
The first homes at the western entrance of al-Bayda belonged to the Swaid family: Mustafa Swaid (known locally by the nickname of ‘al-Lubnani,’ because of his long residence in Lebanon) who was nearly 70 years old, resided there with his four mature sons (Ahmad, Othman, Muhammad and Sa’id) and their family. Samira the wife of one of the sons described the events of that morning and said: at 7 a.m. we awoke to the sounds of gunshots. My husband was wearing his clothes to go out to work. I told him to stay. The sound of the gunshots got nearer so my husband suggested we go by car to the coast. But the mortars began raining down so a mortar fell near the house so we decided to stay in our place. The intensity of the bombing calmed at around 10 a.m. and at around 2 p.m. we saw around 50 soldiers approaching the house. They stood under a tree. They went in the beginning to the neighbours’ home but it was empty, so they then came to our house and on their shoulders was the insignia of the special forces.
Samira said that the soldiers immediately separated the men from the women and children and elderly, and they confined the women, seven children and Mustafa Swaid who was 70 years old in the apartment of one of the four brothers. Then the Nusayri army took the four brothers and with them Mustafa Sha’aba who was a neighbour of theirs taking shelter with the Swaid family, to the neighbouring apartment belonging to one of the brothers.
She continued saying: suddenly we heard gunshots. I began calling to my husband’s brother and saying: “The men have gone.” I hurried to the window and I saw around 2 soldiers departing the neighbouring apartment, and immediately after their departure, we broke the apartment door in which they left us and we hurried to the apartment to which they took the men.
The first thing I saw was my husband’s corpse by the door then I found Sa’id’s corpse in the hall, and the remaining three were in a room killed on top of each other, and in each of the men were three bullets. Ahmad had not yet died, but we were unable to transfer him to the hospital and he died two hours later. We moved the corpses to one of the rooms and covered them, and the blood slowly leaked on the carpet.
[Caption: photo of Sa’id Swaid- may God have mercy on him].
[Caption: photo of Ahmad Swaid- may God have mercy on him].
Then she said: the Nusayri army headed after that to the home of Zakariya Hussein the neighbour, and he was a man in his mid-twenties. Samira heard gunshots from Hussein’s home, and she remained hidden in her home for a period of two hours until she was sure of the army’s departure. Then she went to check on her neighbours. She found the two corpses of Zakariya and his wife Manar Bayasi, who were killed with bullets, and she found in the following home the wo corpses of Mustada Qaddour aged 35, and Karam Swaid aged 30. “There were seven homes in our neighbourhood, and they killed seven men.”
In the beginning the women of the Swaid family remained in their home out of excess terror, but later in the evening came the brother of Manar Bayasi (the wife of Zakariya) and with him were some of the other youth of the locality (who had fled to the nearby forests), in order to check on the women. They helped us shroud the corpses and flee to the nearby village of al-Marah, as Samira said, but the father of the four brothers who was elderly decided to stay in the locality. One of the youth who help the Swaid family (his name was Muhammad) said: the first house we entered was al-Lubnani’s home. We were surprised that they had killed four of his sons but they left him alive to die of grief and sadness. Indeed he was an old man. They killed all his sons and said to him they would leave him alive so he could feel the pain. This is what they said. In the neighbouring home we found Zakariya Hussein. He was newly married, as he only got married 15 days ago. They killed him with his wife Manar Bayasi, and the third home was the home of Mustafa Qaddour known as Hafiz. Mustafa Qaddour was killed and Karam Swaid was killed alongside him.
The execution of members of the Bayasi family and their neighbours
On a hill that overlooks the house of the Swaid family lies a group of houses inhabited by the Bayasi family. There are multiple branches of the Bayasi family in al-Bayda, and the people of the region generally point to this branch by the name of the Fatuh family, to distinguish it from the rest of the branches of the Bayasi family.
According to three local inhabitants, they found the corpses after departing the village. For all the members of the family who were in their homes- no fewer than nine men, three women and 14 children- were executed, with the exception of a female child whose age was three years old. They said that she had been wounded with three bullets but she survived.
These people who found the corpses said that the corpses of the men of the family had been on a sloping street leading to the mosque of al-Tharayya, and it is generally known as the street of Tal’a Aboud, some 150 metres away from the complex of the family’s homes. As for the corpses of the women and the children, they found them in one of the rooms of the home of Mustafa Bayasi, known also by the name of Abu Ali Mustafa.
[Caption: screenshot from a video in which a number of the corpses appear in the street of Tal’a Aboud].
Muhammad was among the first of those to arrive after the withdrawal of the army and the shabiha so he described to us the scene and said: as you merely begin the ascent of the hill [from the main square] for the first 15 metres, the corpses were covering the place, they were young people’s corpses, more than 30 corpses. I looked at them and examined them for some time. They were all struck with bullets either in the head or in the eye. They had been executed at close range.
Another man called Majid said: we found Ahmad Ibrahim al-Shaghari, wounded in his eye, and one of the men was still alive, and he was Ahmad Bayasi. We tried to provide him first aid but it was too late.
The women and children of the family were found inside the home of Mustafa Bayasi.
Muhammad says: I was busy with helping the inhabitants who had escaped to depart the locality, when the fiancé of one of the girls of the Bayasi family asked me to go with him to check on her. We went to the home of Mustafa Ali Bayasi and our uncle, and we did not see anyone in the first room. As we penetrated deeper into the house, we reached a room and found in it many of the corpses: mothers and children piled on top of each other and they were around 25 corpses and there was among them an old man and they were killed in a random sense for they were wounded in their bellies, head and other parts- something that shows that they gathered them in the room and opened fire on them randomly. The smell of the blood was very strong rousing nausea and vertigo. One of the mothers was covering her son with her body thinking that perhaps he could be safe, but while I was turning her over I saw that he had been wounded with bullets and killed. The fiancée of my friend was killed also, so we closed the windows of the house so no land animals should enter it.
A video in which a large number of the martyrs of the village of al-Bayda appear (not recommended for those of weak hearts).
And from the words of the witnesses we have been able to confirm the names of nine men who were executed along with three women and 14 children from the Bayasi family:
. Mustafa Ali Bayasi and his wife A’isha Abd al-Qadir Bayasi.
. Muhammad Ali Bayasi (brother of Mustafa).
. Abdullah Muhammad Bayasi (known as Abd Fatuh) and his wife A’isha Hussein, and their five daughters (Nusayba, Rania, Samia, Ahlam and Wala’).
. Ahmad Muhammad Bayasi: 28 years old. His son Muhammad.
. Muhammad Abdullah Bayasi (known as Abu al-‘Abid), and his wife Safa, his son Abdullah, and his five children A’isha, Sara, Shahida, Halima and Hamza.
. Yusuf Muhammad Bayasi and his two sons Mustafa and Muhammad.
. Four children of Abd al-Man’am Bayasi: Amina (six years old), Aymenn (five years old), Afnan (three years old), and Mu’adh (one year old).
[Caption: the daughters of Abdullah Bayasi known as Abu al-‘Abid- may God have mercy on them- and all the members of the family were killed].
The execution of the members of the al-Shaghari family and their neighbours:
The al-Shaghari neighbourhood in al-Bayda, which is near the al-Tharayya mosque (and named for the majority of the inhabitants of neighbourhood), is around 300 m away from the homes of the Bayasi family. One of the inhabitants (Lama) said: when I stood at my window, I could wave with my hands to the wife of Mustafa Bayasi because the two neighbourhoods are near each other.
According to Lama and another person of the inhabitants, the al-Shaghari family had remained under cover in their homes after the fighting and bombing in the morning. Lama said that around noon she had witnessed the security men going out from the homes of the Bayasi family.
From the windows I saw two men coming out of the house of Mustafa Bayasi in green military attire. The two men headed to the Aqaba building (one of the buildings on the road) and climbed the building, inspecting and firing bullets. They were looking at the area populated with trees and hills. I said to my husband: “They are coming and we must hide out children.” But my husband responded that I should not worry because we committed no mistake.
After a quarter of an hour or half an hour they began heading to our home and in that moment my father-in-law and mother-in-law who lived nearby decided to return to their home as they were afraid, and they were still ascending the steps when one of the soldiers shouted: “Drop your weapons.”
I wanted to speak with them myself, as they sometimes dealt with woman in a different manner, and thus I stood to speak with them and I said: “We do not have weapons here man.” So he said: “Do you dare to speak you whore?!” In that moment my husband stood and said: “How can you speak in this way? We do not have weapons. I am like you. I am a retired army officer, and Syria is precious to me as it is precious to you. It is not right for you to treat us badly in this way.”
In that moment, they struck my husband on his back with the butt of their rival in which there was some sort of blade, and my husband immediately began to bleed. My older son tried to protest this treatment, but the armed man said: “Are you still speaking?” He opened fire on him on his shoulder, between the neck and the shoulder.
According to Lama, the security forces opened fire also on two of the sons of her siblings, who were aged 14 and 17: one of them in the leg and the other near the buttock, before dragging them with her husband and two sons on the steps and outside the home.
The number of the soldiers was around 20 or 22 from the Nusayri army in the street, and all of them were spread between the home of Abdullah Saqr and the home of Umm Abd al-Salam, and he men were all either in camouflage or in army clothing.
In that time the women were separated from the men, so they placed us women in the home of Umm Abd al-Salam, while the men were gathered, some of whom were youth and some of whom were old men, along one of the main streets of the neighbourhood, from the home of Abdullah Saqr up to the home of Umm Abd al-Salam along the road. There were youth in their prime, and likewise old men, some of them wounded with bullets in the leg and some of them in the belly, and some of them in the two arms. All of them were among my acquaintances, and one of them was my cousin, and some of them children of my siblings.
Four or five of the army and shabiha were carrying swords and proceeding among the men and striking them [with the swords]. Each group of men arrived separately until all of them were brought together.
According to Lama, some of the men were wounded with gunshots, while others were wounded with the strikes of the swords or stabbed with the knives. They were bleeding, but most of them were still alive, according to her words. Lama approached the door of the home of Umm Abd al-Salam in order to see what was happening:
I infiltrated outside as I could not bear, because my two sons and their father were on the outside and likewise the sons of my siblings and my cousins: they were all there. I could not remain in my place. The men were all screaming, they were saying: “We did not do anything.” The young boys were screaming to call for their mothers. Abd al-Khaliq [the son of Hind Al al-Shaghari] was 13 years old, and the son of Susan, Luqman al-Haris, was 14 years old , and Ahmad and Memdouh were likewise 14 years old…and Ahmad Othman.
And in a specific moment they opened fire on them and they were all killed.
Lama was threatened with rape, as she said, but the soldiers did not carry out their threat in the end:
An officer said to one of the soldiers: “Here, this woman is for you, deal with her. Ask her how many children she wants.” Another soldier said: “How many children do you want?” I said: “I have what suffices for me and praise be to God.” He said: “I will make you pregnant for four: the four we have taken.” He thought that those he slaughtered were all my sons. Then the soldier approached me and said: “Oh khala, I obey the orders nothing more. Oh khala, I will pretend I am doing something to you, so move your arms. Make the matter seem real, otherwise they will kill you and kill me.”
In the end they went and ledt behind them many of the corpses thrown in the houses and streets.
The names of the killed from the al-Shaghari family and their neighbours:
. Ibrahim Muhammad al-Shaghari.
. Ahmad Muhammad al-Shaghari.
. Muhammad Muhammad al-Shaghari.
. Othman Muhammad al-Shaghari.
. Maher al-Shaghari.
. Muhammad Zahir al-Shaghari.
. Abd al-Razzaq al-Shaghari.
. Osama Abd al-Razzaq al-Shaghari.
. Abd al-Rahman Abd al-Qadir al-Shaghari.
. Abd al-Man’am Abd al-Qadir al-Shaghari.
. Abd al-Khaliq Ahmad al-Shaghari (Abd al-Razzaq’s grandson).
. Ibrahim Hamid Mustafa al-Shaghari.
. Ahmad Ibrahim al-Shaghari.
. Luqman Yusuf al-Haras.
. Othman Ahmad Othman.
. Ahmad Muhammad Othman.
. Muhammad Hussein.
Video in which there appear women and children who were killed on top of each other in one of the houses.
The wife of Muhammad Shakir found her husband and her husband’s father immediately: they had been killed via execution: I found my husband, who was wounded with a bullet in the head and on the shoulder. Half of his head was smashed and his entrails were protruding out through his being struck by the swords.
Lama found five youth who met their death and they were bound together. They were burned. Only charred corpses of them remained: and I was sure that my son was one of them. One of the people said: “This is not your son. These boys are shorter in stature, while your sons are tall in stature.” I said: “The reason is the burning, his body has shrunk.” I recognised him from his hand which he had broken in his childhood. It thus grew in a specific way. Their fingers were swollen from burning [but I knew his hand].
Video in which the burning of the houses of the Muslims in the village of al-Bayda appears.
Video of the village of al-Bayda after the massacre.
[Caption: Photo of Othman]
Video in which a number of the corpses appear, and in which the corpse of Othman (may God have mercy on him) appears.
Lama found one of her relatives, who was Ahmad Othman, in a place further from the street, near the Aqaba building. Othman was young and among the supporters of the Barcelona football team. He was wearing their shirt on that day.
Operations of execution and burning of the corpses in the main square
The army and shabiha inspected the homes surrounding the main square in al-Bayda, and in a number of cases, according to the witnesses, they separated the men from the women then they took the men to the main square of the locality and they executed many of them there. After this they burned many of the corpses (around 30-40 corpses, and it has been said: more than 60 corpses) in the mobile phones store in the main square owned by Azzam Bayasi, and they set alight a fire in it, according to two witnesses taken to the square but not executed. The account has been confirmed by lines of evidence drawn from video clips published on Youtube: “and it is most likely that the clip was deleted.”
And it has been said that they burned them alive because no trace of bullets was seen on them.
[Caption: The photo is in the mobile phones shop owned by Azzam al-Bayasi and in it appear the detained before their being killed and burned (the photo is from the mobile of a Nusayri), and the photo is incomplete for on the right of the photo are another number of detained].
[Caption: photo of the corpses in the mobile phones shop after they were burned, and the time of their being burned was around 3 p.m. or later, and among the corpses identified are those of Muhammad Yusuf Taha and Yasir Taha.
This is a video link to Azzam al-Bayasi’s shop and in it appear many of the corpses before they were burned, and also there appear in it many of the corpses outside the shop.
The corpse of Yasir Hussein was in front of the shop of the barber Muhammad Hussein known as Muhammad al-Shawish. It was lying in front of the door of the shop. He was wounded with gunfire in his fire, and part of his head had disappeared. The entire site was flesh and blood, and the businessman Azzam Bayasi who owned the mobile phones shop was killed beside his shop.
We also found the corpse of Ala’ Ahmad Hussein who was 25 years old, near the shop of Azzam, at the beginning of the street originating from the square. His corpse had been dragged to the road.
[Caption: as is clear, a number of corpses are present in the village square].
Made to choose between him and his son, he chose himself, and the story of Lu’ay Namura whom they burned alive.
One of the witnesses who survived the killing says: I left the al-Bustan neighbourhood, in which nothing happened, to the home of my friend Lu’ay Namura, who was a farmer aged 23. He lived in the area of al-Bayda. I slept with him and we woke up at noon on Friday and I said to Lu’ay let’s leave because all have left the village. So he said: let’s eat food, then we will go to the Christian village of al-Kharab where we think that it is safe.
We had breakfast then set out and while we were crossing the highway, there suddenly appeared in front of us five or six Nusayri soldiers and they took us to a nearby inspection checkpoint, and they threw us on the ground, and there was a worker they had detained with his son who was around 15 years old and called Ghassan Hussein Qaddour. He was from al-Bustan neighbourhood. They said to his father: whom do you prefer that we kill: you or your son? He said: Me! So they fired bullets on him immediately without a word. Then they said to his son: go away. So they left him.
Then they came to us and began cursing us, kicking us and striking us with the butts of the rifles on the head and the back, such that I thought I would die under torture. Then they ordered us to stand and they prepared a two-litre bottle of petrol and they poured it on Lu’ay Namura and they set him on fire, and while he was burning, they fired bullets on him and killed him. There was still a small quantity of petrol so they poured it on me and set me alight and I was on fire but not with the same level of harm as Lu’ay but rather less, so one of them said to the other: bring more petrol from the car, and while they went to the car I began to take off my burning clothes and I fled in the direction of the lands, and I took off the rest of my clothes, so of my clothes only my internal pants remained, then they opened fire on me and I began running and running. After every several metres, I would throw myself in the land to hide and catch my breath, then I would rise and run again until I reached my family’s home, and I don’t know how I escaped, such that I could not go to the hospital in fear they would kill me.
The killing of Sheikh Omar Bayasi and his wife and son
The home of Sheikh Omar Bayasi- the previous imam of the locality- lies at the entrance of the main square of al-Bayda. Muhammad, who had taken cover in the neighbouring forests then entered the locality immediately following the withdrawal of the army and the shabiha from it at noon on 2 May, described to us what he found:
He said: we reached the home of Sheikh Omar and his home is composed of two floors. There was a balcony on the ground floor overlooking the road directly. It is only two metres above the home. What we saw there completely surprised us.
During the day there were gunfire, bombing and killing in the locality, but he [the sheikh] and his wife and his [mature] son Hamza were all sitting on seats on the balcony, next to each other in one row, and the three had been killed on their seats as they sat. Hamza had fallen from his seat, and he was on his back and carrying his ID card in his hand, and a bullet was in his head. As for his mother, she had not fallen from her seat. Her head was tilted backwards. When I saw her in the beginning I thought she had had her throat cut but she must have received a bullet that paralysed her nerves, therefore her head tilted backwards.
As for Sheikh Omar, he fell to the front. He was wounded with a bullet in the head: all three were killed in the head. They were sitting on the seats each one next to the other, and the three were dead.
[Caption: Photo of Sheikh Omar al-Bayasi after he was killed. It is to be noted that the sheikh was among the supporters of the regime and a member in the National Reconciliation committee, and despite that, it did not intervene for him in their view, for they killed him and they killed with him his son and his wife. The Nusayri regime had accused the revolutionaries of killing him to try to bin the accusations of the mass executions on them, but many of the people of al-Bayda denied that, and this is not the first case in which the regime has killed its supports, because the oppressor inevitably obtains his reward, and he inevitably drinks from the same cup from which he has made the oppressed drink, so the reward is from the type of work].
[Caption: photo of Sheikh Omar al-Bayasi’s wife and she was killed on the chair, and the photo of her son is the one killed on the ground].
In the neighbourhood of the Mahmoud family, they found a woman sitting on a sofa, slain, and in front of her, her baby child who was three or four months old, slain in her bosom.
The transfer of the detained and their execution in neighbouring villages:
I met a number of the people of al-Bayda, all of whom said that the army and the shabiha had taken the detained in trucks to neighbouring Nusayri villages and executed them in them, and what proves that is the fact none of them returned and there is no news about them.
Lina who was living near the locality square and the school says: 20 men in military attire entered our home and said they wanted to arrest the men. They took my father and my uncle, and my cousin, and our neighbour [the names of the relatives have been omitted for security reasons].
My mother hurried behind them asking them to return my father. The shabiha said: “Half an hour and we will return them to you.” We do not know where they took them.
So my husband (who miraculously survived) went looking for my father so he headed to the square that is 100 m away from our house, and he went to Azzam’s shop filled with the corpses but he did not see the corpse.
Later Lina recognised her father in a clip on Youtube in which no fewer than eight corpses of men appear lying on the ground and on top of them stands a man in military clothing. The land under the corpses was not paved. Lina recognised her father from his clothes, and according to Lina and other inhabitants of al-Bayda, the surrounding scene was not familiar to them, which shows that it was not filmed in the locality.
[Caption: photo of the video of the eight corpses, where Lina recognised the corpse of her father from his clothes].
Following the massacre: hurried flight, plundering and burning of property
On the day that witnessed the events of the killing, the army and the shabiha burned and plundered many of the homes and destroyed some of the property deliberately. This is according to eight witnesses, video clips filmed by the army and shabiha, and filmed by local inhabitants, making clear homes and cars on fire that were burned deliberately. Mustafa, who had taken cover in the hills and headed back to the locality at a late hour of the afternoon of that day immediately following the departure of the shabiha, described to us the destruction and said: I saw perhaps 100 cars, all of them burned, and many of the burned homes; also in my house, the big wardrobe in which the clothing and bedding were: that room was completely burned. The wardrobe had completely melted, including our ID cards in it, and this is the case with most of the people. Those who remained alive, did not have what could establish their identities.
All fled after 6 p.m. approximately. No one had remained in the locality. All fled, and the village became a very terrifying place filled with corpses, and many fled to the church in the Christian neighbourhood in al-Bayda, and another group fled to the neighbouring Christian village of al-Marah where many took refuge in the church. These two churches served as refuge place, and another group went to the factory for canning tomatoes.
The ran and jumped over the corpses. No one dared to look. No one had the courage to look for children, sisters, brothers or anyone. The people tried to flee, nothing more. There was talk about snipers in the mountains and therefore the people tried to depart quickly. Hey tried to flee where they could. Some headed to the areas of the forests, some to the Christian village of al-Marah. They were in fear of gunfire on them.
I could not bury my husband they had left. And thus I dragged him along the way. He was on the ground but I placed him in a carpet with the help of someone and I took him to the mosque. I asked one of the people to inform his mother so that she could bring us some clothes because he had been stripped of his clothing.
So his mother organised this. She dressed him in his clothes and covered him with the carpet, then she said goodbye to him. My mother in-law took the small ones and departed while my husband’s brother and his wife stayed with me. We walked in the forest until we reached the village called al-Marah. The Christians saw us and said: “Come here, enter the church.” I do not exaggerate if I say that the state was graver than words could describe. Oh God, take revenge for the Ahl al-Sunna in every place.
There was a farmer on the road: a man wounded but he did not die. He called for help but no one could help him. No one was strong enough to carry him. Every person had children to care for, and on the following day they found him dead.
We did not know how to bury the dead amid their large numbers. So we said we would do this on the next day. In so far as we could not bury someone, we decided that each of us should look for a refuge in which to hide: a cave or the like, because it was likely they would return on the next day to administer the coup de grace to the rest of us.
On the second day of the massacre:
According to a Christian witness from the village of al-Bayda: he said: most of the operations of burning the homes and property were on the second day of the massacre in the morning of Friday 3 May 2013. It was the first time in which the Muslims would pray the Friday prayers in al-Bayda.
The operations of killing, plunder and burning were aimed at the homes of the Ahl al-Sunna only, as a number of the Christians of the village testified.
[Caption: photo of a clip of the Rafidite al-Manar channel from the village square and the burning of the property can be seen].
[Caption: photo of one of the burned stores, from the Nusayri al-Ikhbariya channel].
The third day of the massacre:
On Saturday 4 May 2013, the third day of the massacre, the security forces came and gathered the corpses, and the bulldozer came and dug a big pit in the locality’s cemetery and buried corpses on top of each other. The corpses were raised and pushed towards the graves by the bulldozer, and they placed corpses with each other as they are.
One week after the massacre, the Nusayri army brought vegetables and fruits to the market of al-Bayda village, and brought some of the Nusayri women and dressed them in the hijab and brought some of the women of the village by compulsion and did TV interviews with them on the supposed basis that the situation in the village of al-Bayda was good and there was no truth to what the media were talking about.
The events of the Ras al-Naba’ region.
3 May 2013: 23 Jumada al-Akhira 1434
The Ras al-Naba’ neighbourhood is a poor ordinary Sunni neighbourhood of the neighbourhoods of the city of Baniyas with a small area that does not exceed 400 metres squared.
The events of the neighbourhood of Ras al-Rifi before the massacre of Ras al-Naba’
On 3 May 2013, and it was a Friday, some of the groups present in al-Ras al-Rifi and Ras al-Naba’ (and they are neighbourhoods within the city of Baniyas), provided support to their brothers in the village of al-Bayda.
One of the witnesses says: at the call to prayer for noon, the people of Ras al-Rifi were surprised at the voice of one of its revolutionary sons, who was one of those wanted by the regime, making the call to noon prayer in the mosque of the neighbourhood. Here arose determined joy in the area at the hearing of his voice. The people knew that the revolutionaries had mobilised to support the revolutionaries of al-Bayda, and one hour after noon the groups assaulted the checkpoint of Ras al-Rifi and a building in which the shabiha were fortified. The people heard the shabiha’s calls for help as they sought assistance and said: “Oh my sayyid, we have come under siege, we have come under siege.” By the grace of God three of the Nusayris were killed and a number of others wounded, and in these moments the army began bombing the eastern side of al-Ras al-Rifi from the afternoon until the Maghrib prayer time, and a mortar landed on the mosque of the neighbourhood and the Nusayri army deliberately bombed the mosques and this is clear in the rest of the regions, but praise be to God no one was wounded by those mortars.
After the bombing on the neighbourhood calmed, the people of al-Ras al-Rifi began to go out to the village of al-Marqab and no person remained in the neighbourhood.
Events of the Ras al-Naba’ area:
On the second day of the al-Bayda massacre, 3 May 2013, and it was Friday, one of the youth rose from the neighbourhood of Ras al-Naba’ and struck a patrol of the shabiha in revenge for the slaughter of the village of al-Bayda.
So the bombing on Ras al-Naba’ began from the afternoon of that day until the evening, and the bombing resumed on the second day and in this bombing only one man was killed, and the bombing was from the side of the Nusayri village of al-Quz and the bridge of al-Quz and the bridge of Ras al-Naba’, and the forces of the army and the Rafidites headed to the neighbourhood of Ras al-Naba’, from the side of the main bridge- ‘the bridge of Ras al-Naba’- and the shabiha from the side of al-Quz which is a Nusayri neighbourhood. The neighbourhood was surrounded, and checkpoints spread, and the people were prevented from going out from it, in preparation for a new massacre and slaughter, but some of the people secretly managed to escape from the neighbourhood.
Indeed around 1000 Nusayris and Rafidites from the forces of the army, the Rafidites and the shabiha entered in the afternoon of Firday 3 May into the neighbourhood of Ras al-Naba’, and they began with an operation of ethnic cleansing of the Ahl al-Sunna so they killed the elderly, women, children and men without mercy or pity, not distinguishing between anyone. Their hatred of the Ahl al-Sunna blinded them, and their killing of the women and children was more than the village of al-Bayda and entire families were wiped out, like the Jalul family from which they killed around 70 people, so none of the family remained except one person, and like the Rajab family, from which 20 people were killed.
Some of the images of the killing of the Ahl al-Sunna in Ras al-Naba’:
Stories and narrations have been mentioned at which children would go white with shock, and some of the people could not believe what was happening, as though in a dream. One of them was walking on the paths as his mind had gone, and another woman died in grief for her husband and son, and another chose to be killed instead of his children when they made him choose between himself and his children. In the case of another woman, they killed her baby son in her bosom, and for another woman they sliced open her belly while she was pregnant, while a baby child was burned alive, and for another woman they made her choose between her children as to which one she would choose to be killed, and for another woman they killed her children in front of her. For another person, they cut his limbs after killing him, and among them are those who bled until they were killed, and among them are those who were half slaughtered in order to be tortured. In the case of another woman, they raped her then killed her. They were leaving alone the mothers of the slain so they would not kill them so that they should die of grief and being overwhelmed. One of them was walking among the corpses and his tears had dried from the intensity of his crying as he hoped that his relatives would not be among the killed, so he looked so as not to find his loved ones. You could walk in the roads so and only find corpses, blood and limbs and charred corpses, and it was as though all hell broke loose for that neighbourhood.
Witness to the massacre:
One of the witnesses said: I saw with my own eye a child split in two, and a youth thrown on the ground and they rained down knives on him, and a girl brought out to the street then stripped of her clothes and then they raped her and cut her hands and half slaughtered her and left her fighting death, and they burned a shop and threw in it four children after they slaughtered them, then they threw a child alive into the fire.
Torture and slaughter of the female media activist Bayan Jalul (may God have mercy on her)
They assaulted the home of the female media activist Bayan Jalul who had a prominent role in transmitting the news of the revolution, so they vented their rage on her and killed her by the most barbaric methods, for they tore her face with the knife and cut her nose and stabbed her in her hands and legs, and they half slaughtered her so that she should feel pain before dying. She had been spreading the news of al-Bayda and Ras al-Naba’ until the last hour of her life, and before she died, her fiancé, who was a media activist with her, reached her, so she asked him to give her water to drink so he gave her to drink, then she died in front of him.
The last thing she wrote on Facebook:
Allahu Akbar Allahu Akbar
The army is burning the corpses with petrol.
The martyrs are in the roads.
We will die.
Pray for us.
No one is with us…the wiping out of Ras al-Naba’.
They stabbed the youth and children with knives, then they shot them in front of their mothers, while they called out: “Labbayk oh Hussein, Labbayk oh Assad.”
And often they half slaughtered the Muslims so that pain should be felt before death, and they rejoiced in what they were doing,
They placed on the corpses a yellow substance that was quick to burn.
Execution of the members of the families of Suleiman, Taha and Skaif
Ahmad and Bassam said that in the afternoon of 3 May they witnessed at the peripheries of neighbourhood a mass of up to 30 bodies, among them no fewer than seven women and six children, from the families of Suleiman and Taha. In addition to this, three of the killed were identified from the Skaif family.
Bassam said that he had witnessed the army and shabiha entering the neighbourhood in the evening, then he heard his neighbour from the Suleiman screaming in the street that his parents had been killed. He said that he had found him standing over the corpses of more than 30 of the inhabitants of the street: so I rushed to him to see what had happened, only to find him stranding without movement in front of the corpses of his entire family who had been killed.
Bassam said that in addition to the eight members of the Suleiman family, there were 22 other people within the killed with them, and among them 13 whom he recognised from the Taha family. He said that the corpses at the foot of a wall alongside the street, next to one of the lighting poles. He said that according to what he could see, the inhabitants were wounded with bullets in the head and body. There were traces of bullets also on the wall behind them, and he believes hat they were executed there. Also a second person of the inhabitants identified members of the Suleiman and Taha families in that pile of slain. He said that they and all the bodies that he saw had been killed with bullets in the chest or head, or there were in them a number of bullets in multiple spots of their bodies.
A third woman of the inhabitants- called Ayah- said that she had seen Sara Taha after the events of the killing, and she said to her that her entire family had been killed while she was in hiding: among them were her two brothers and their wives and her mother.
Bassam said that six additional corpses in the pile were those of people from Homs, and that three members were of the Skaif family: two women and the baby daughter of Muhammad Skaif whose legs were burned.
After examining the corpses for several minutes, Bassam said that he had headed back to his home but the shabiha were opening fire in the street so he was compelled to change his route and he went to the home of one of his neighbours. On the road he encountered more corpses in the street, and some of them were burned and some of them wounded with bullets in the head. Bassam estimated that he had seen 12 additional corpses, but he did not approach them in a way that could suffice for him to see their faces.
We managed to define the names of nine of the men who were executed, and seven of the women and six of the children from the families of Suleiman, Taha and Skaif. They are:
. Ra’afat Suleiman and his sons Safwan and Issam.
. Abu ‘Abid Suleiman and his wife Khadija Taha.
. The three children of Khadija Taha who were minors.
. Sabah Taha.
. Ali Taha (son of Sabah).
. Ahmad Taha (son of Sabah).
. Jamila Taha.
. Marwan Taha.
. Tariq Taha.
. A’isha Taha.
. Ghada Taha.
. Fatat Taha.
. Latifa Abd al-Qadir Jalul (the name of the huband’s family is Taha).
. Muhammad Taha (son of Latifa Abd al-Qadir Jalul).
. Yusra Taha- child (daughter of Latifa Abd al-Qadir Jalul).
. Yasir Taha- child (son of Latifa Abd al-Qadir Jalul).
. Baby daughter of Muhammad Skaif.
Execution of members of the Jalul family:
We have also documented the execution of 17 members of the Jalul family. Ayah who was their neighbour said that on Friday 3 May she was looking with her family and other neighbours for a refuge from the bmbing, when she heard at around 8:30 p.m. he voices of men outside and the voice of glass being smashed, and at around 10 p.m. one of the neighbours came to their home and it was destroyed, saying that he had seen the corpses of Abd al-Rahman Jalul (known also as Abu Sa’id) and his family. Ayah went to their home when she heard this and she saw the corpses of members of the family. Ayah said that another person of their relatives had been wounded but he had not died yet.
We all went to their homes [the homes of the family of Abd al-Rahman Jalul] that were 500-100 metres away from us. I saw Bayan Jalul who was 21 years old, wounded with a bullet in the head. I turned and saw Rawan her sister who was 17 years old, wounded with bullets in the chest, but she was still alive. I looked at the corners of the household and saw Abu Sa’id, their father, wounded with bullets, and his legs were bound, just as their mother Umm Sa’id was wounded with bullets in the head. She was 55 years old.
Ayah said that her relative who had seen her in the house of Abu Sa’id shortly after the departure of the shabiha had spoken with Umm Sa’id before she was killed, and Ayah said: “She said to me that she had been speaking with Umm Sa’id around 8:30 or 9 p.m. on the phone and that she had suddenly heard Umm Sa’id screaming and begging for mercy. Then she heard gunshots.”
Ayah said that after they found the corpses, the army and shabiha returned to the scene of the events and opened fire in passing through towards them, so she fled to the home of neighbours, and this is her narration of what happened:
She says: I saw the car lights were coming from the al-Quz area, sloping on the cliff, so panic overwhelmed us, and I ran to the home of one of the neighbours and took cover. The darkness was strong. I sat on the ground and suddenly I heard the voice of a woman breathing with difficulty. She was Muna the wife of Sa’id Jalul (who himself was 30 years old and had two children- Ghazal and Abd al-Rahman). She told me that Sana the sister of Sa’id had been wounded with bullets and was praying, and died while praying. I placed my hand on Muna trying to move her, but I felt blood. She was wounded with bullets in her belly. Abd al-Rahman was the son of Muna and he was four years old and calmly weeping. He said to me that the Syrian security forces had come with rifles and opened fire on them.
Abd al-Rahman was four years old and the only one to survive from the family of Abd al-Rahman Jalul.
After the car’s departure, Ayah returned to the outside and found Ahmad Jalul wounded with bullets in the chest next to his car, and one of the neighbours said to Ayah (and she was outside her home) that she had pretended to be dead when the security forces returned and she saw them as they opened fire on Ahmad and killed him. On Ayah’s return, she daw that Bayan and Rawan had been moved into Ahmad’s car but the two had died by that time, as Ayah said.
Salwa said that Muhammad al-Zozo, the fiancé of Rawan and one of the members of the Free Army, had come to their house after the attack and when he saw that she was wounded, he departed to fetch aid.
Subsequently Muhammad al-Zozo was himself killed in another place.
A witness called Ahmad narrated something similar to Salwa’s testimony.
Salwa said that in the afternoon of 3 May after the shabiha passed through her area, she had gone to the home of Abd al-Qadir Jalil and wound his leg cut off and his head wounded, and that he had been wounded with bullets while he was on his bed. The corpse of his wife Halim Ayrout was in the bedroom as well, and she saw the corpses of Ahmad (78 years old) and Osama (80 years old) in the home. She said that Mahmoud Abd al-Qadir Jalul and his wife Amal and their two children Suhaib and Muhammad had been killed.
[Caption: Abu Sa’id Jalul and his wife and children, may God have mercy on them].
A video in which 20 corpses appear, most of them women and children from the Jalul family.
We have managed to verify the names of seven of the men who were executed, and six ladies, and four children from the Jalul family.
. Abd al-Rahman (known also by the name of Abu Sa’id) Jalul and his wife Umm Sa’id Jalil, and his children Bayan and Rana, who is a child.
. Sa’id Jalul and his wife Muna.
. Ghazal Jalul, a child.
. Sana Jalul.
. Ahmad Jalul.
. Abd al-Qadir Jalul and his wife Halima Ayrout.
. Mahmoud Jalul and his wife Amal Jalul and their children Suhaib and Muhammad.
. Ahmad Jalul and Osama Jalul.
[Caption: the martyred children Ghazal, Muna and Aboud Jalul].
Execution of the Rajab family:
Ahmad said that after the army and shabiha withdrew, he had also witnessed the corpses of members of the families of Mahmoud and Ahmad Rajab, including among them two men, their wives, give children and three sisters. Ahmad said that they seemed as though they had been executed on the basis of their injuries that showed they had been wounded with bullets in the head or chest or with multiple rounds or stabs.
Also local inhabitants and activists for the opposition reported more than 20 deaths from the Rajab family.
The names of the slain of the Rajab family:
. Mahmoud Rajab and his wife.
. Ahmad Rajab and his wife and children Karam and Mustafa.
. The three children of Mahmoud Rajab who were minors.
. Mustafa Rajab (the father of Mahmoud and Ahmad Rajab) and his wife.
. Fatima Rajab who was pregnant.
[Caption: the child Fatima Mahmoud Rajab].
Ahmad said that within the first group of corpses he witnessed, there were the corpses of Nawar Lulu, Mahmoud Lulu, Muhammad al-Zozo, and Bassam al-Zozo. Bassam said that he had witnessed the corpses slain by execution- as it seemed- belonging to the two brothers Nawar and Muhammad Lulu. Ahmad and Bassam said that they had witnessed the corpses of Eisa al-Turk and his seven year old son. Bassam said that he had witnessed six members of the al-Nimrud family- they are the wife, husband and four children- and nine members of the al-Sabbagh family, among them Abu Khalid, and his son and daughter who were children, and his cousin, and he said that he had also seen the corpses of Khadija Hussein, Abu ‘Abid Sheikh and his brother Ra’afat Sheikh. Also the corpse of Amina Alina was seen slain in her home. Most of the corpses had their hands tied behind their back with a plastic writing, and their eyes were covered with their clothes.
The events of the second day of the Ras al-Naba’ massacre
On Saturday 4 May 2013, the second day of the Ras al-Naba’ massacre, the forces of the army and the shabiha began looting the houses and burning them and that appeared in a number of filmed clips.
On the same day, the regime brought bulldozers to dig mass graces for the slain, so the bulldozer would shovel up the slain by itself so they could be dumped in the graves, and the charred corpses were joined to each other, not one of them being distinguished.
They also brought water cars to wash the roads and streets of the blood and flesh spread in every place.
So al-Bayda and Ras al-Naba’ became completely devoid of any presence of life, with only the humming of the gates and rustiling of the trees being heard in them, so they were terrifying, with only death being seen in them, and only the odour of blood and the burned corpses being smelt in them.
Meeting and consultation
On the second day the leaders of the groups met to discuss the current situation so some of them suggested attacking the Nusayri villages and killing those in them and wiping out their crops, but the majority did not agree to this decision out of fear there would occur a new massacre that would be greater than the one before it.
Promises came to them from Turkey and the factions in the liberated north to supply them with money and weapons, but in vain
Months after the massacre, the groups began to leave al-Bayda for Jabal al-Turkoman, Jabal al-Akrad and Turkey until none of them remained.
The toll of the slain of the two massacres
Toll of the slain of Ras al-Naba’ and the village of al-Bayda according to the Syrian Network for Human Rights
The number of slain in the area of Ras al-Naba’ alone through documentation is estimated at 195 killed, among them 56 children, 28 women, and more than 100 missing- the likelihood is that they were killed in the Nusayri village of al-Zawba after they took them to it.
Meanwhile, the toll of the slain of the village of al-Bayda according to the Syrian Network for Human Rights reached 264 slain in documentation, among them 36 children, 38 women and more than 70 missing- the likelihood is that they were killed in the Nusayri villages.
The entire number of the massacre according to the Syrian Network is 459 killed, among them 93 children and 71 women.
The toll of the slain of Ras al-Naba’ and al-Bayda according to Human Rights Watch NGO:
The Human Rights Watch NGO documented 248 killed in Ras al-Naba’ and al-Bayda and documented 167 by name and photo.
The toll of the slain of Ras al-Naba’ according to Amnesty International NGO:
The Amnesty International NGO documented more than 138 killed and it is the lowest number said about the massacre. One of the members of the Red Crescent documented more than 386 corpses in the village of al-Bayda alone, not to mention the corpses spread in the gardens and not to mention the massacre of Ras al-Naba’.
As for the activists and eye witnessed, their words have agreed that the toll of the slain of the massacre exceeded 800 killed and more than 200 missing, who were probably killed in the Nusayri villages. In some narrations the slain in Ras al-Naba’ were 800 and al-Bayda around 300 killed.
In the two massacres of al-Bayda and Ras al-Naba’ more were killed than the slain of the battles of A’isha Umm al-Mu’mineen in Jabal al-Akrad and the battle of Kassab in Jabal al-Turkoman combined.
The injury had not yet healed when the forces of the Nusayri regime committed a new massacre in the area of al-Bayda on the morning on Sunday corresponding to 21 July 2013 against 14 Sunni Muslims among them three brothers with their wives and children with their ages varying between two and 13 years old. They were in a house that was burned, and it was not known whether they were killed by burning or killed then burned.
The members of the family are:
Osama Ali Fatuh aged 40, his wife Layla aged 34, their children Hunadi aged 13, Ali aged 12, Yamen aged 6, Maya aged 3, and Layla’s sister called Hanan Qaddour aged 23, and their mother Fatima Fatuh aged 60.
Osama Ali Fatuh’s brother called Nidhal Fatuh,aged 38, his wife Mais Obaid aged 27, their two children Su’ad aged four and Muhammad aged two.
Osama and Nidhal Fatuh’s brother Ziyad aged 36. And the one who was killed in the farm Osama al-‘Asar
[Caption: photo of Osama al-‘Asar- may God have mercy on him].
No Christian person was killed in this massacre for there were Christians in the village of al-Bayda and despite that they did not approach them, but the church and the homes of the Christians were a refuge for those fleeing from the killing.
The massacre of al-Bayda and Ras al-Naba’ was not the first but rather preceded by the massacre of the Baba Amro neighbourhood in the city of Homs in March 2012 and the massacre of Darayya city in Damascus countryside in August 2012.
Responses of the mujahideen in the mountains of the Sahel after the massacre:
The Muslims took revenge for this massacre in every place and in particular in Jabal al-Turkoman and Jabal al-Akrad as the sadness and sorrow settled on the mountains of the Sahel after the occurrence of the massacre, but the mujahideen do not stand idly by in the face of injustice and they did not let this massacre go without punishment and revenge.
On 27 Ramadan 1434 AH, corresponding to 4 August 2013, i.e. exactly three months after the massacre, the mujahideen launched a wide-scale attack on the positions and villages of the Nusayri army in Jabal al-Akrad, so many people of the men of the Nusayris were killed, and they took prisoner more than 150 women and children, and they took prisoner and killed the mufti of the Nusayris who was inciting to kill the Ahl al-Sunna so God humiliated them and God healed through this battle the hearts of the a believing people, and it was a day of adversity for the disbelievers.
But the mujahideen did not do what these heretics did, for they did not kill the women or children except for some of the women who fought with the women, for our religion forbids us to kill women and children.
Oh God, have mercy on the martyrs of al-Bayda and Ras al-Naba’ and the martyrs of the Muslims.
Oh God, take revenge on Bashar, the Nusayris and the Russians.
Praise be to God before and after.
Appendix of names of the killed of the two massacres.
Names of the slain of the massacre of the village of al-Bayda and the true number is greater than this.
The Syrian Network for Human Rights team managed through contact with the families, eye witnesses and activists to document 264 citizens, all of them civilians, and among them 62 children and 28 women, recorded by name, and they are:
1. Abd al-Qadir Muhammad Qaddour (aged 60), nickname Abd Zamzam.
2. Ahmad Muhammad Qaddour (Abu Ayoush)/70.
3. Muhammad Qadour (Abu Hikmat).
4. Maher Muhammad Qadour.
5. Hikmat Muhammad Qadour (son of Muhammad Qaddour).
6. The child Muhammad Qaddour (granfson of Muhammad Qaddour Abu Hikmat).
7. The child Ibrahim Muhammad Taha (aged 16).
8. Ali Hawash.
9. Abd al-Razzaq al-Shaghari.
10. Asma’ al-Shaghari (daughter of Abd al-Razzaq).
11. The child Abd al-Khaliq Muhammad al-Shaghari (son of Asma’).
12. The child Ibrahim Muhammad al-Shaghari (son of Asma’).
13. Sheikh Omar Bayasi (mukhtar of the village).
14. The wife of Sheikh Omar Bayasi.
15. Hamza Omar Bayasi (the sheikh’s son).
16. Omar Omar Bayasi (the sheikh’s son).
17. The child Hiba Omar Bayasi.
18. The child Bara’a Omar Bayasi.
19. Mrs. Sabah Bayasi.
20. Muhammad al-Shaghari (Sabah’s son).
21. Mustafa Muhammad al-Shaghari (Muhammad’s son).
22. Othman Muhammad al-Shaghari (Muhammad’s son).
23. Muhammad Ali al-Hous.
24. Ali Muhammad al-Hous.
25. Abd al-Man’am al-Shaghari.
26. Abd al-Rahman al-Shaghari (brother of Abd al-Man’am).
27. Muhammad Mustafa Ali Bayasi.
28. Mrs. A’isha Qaddour wife of Muhammad Mustafa Ali Bayasi.
29. The child Ali Mustafa Ali Bayasi.
30. The child Muhammad Mustafa Ali Bayasi.
31 and 32. The two children daughters of Mustafa Ali Bayasi.
33. Salim Ahmad Khaddam
34. Muhammad Hassan Namoura (Abu Kinan).
35. Mrs. Haya Yusuf Taha- wife of Muhammad Hassan Namoura.
36. Mustafa Muhammad Qaddour.
37. Muhammad Khalid Bayasi.
38. Ahmad Jum’a Saqr.
39. Muhammad Jum’a Saqr.
40. Yusuf Jum’a Saqr.
41. Abd al-Rahman al-Shaghari (Abu Salah).
42. Salah son of Abd al-Rahman al-Shaghari.
43. The child Hamza Abd al-Ilah Fatuh (year and a half old).
44. Mrs. Safa’ Ali Bayasa (Umm Hamza).
45. Abd al-Ilah Fatuh (Abu Hamza).
46. The child A’isha Abd al-Ilah Fatuh (Hamza’s sister).
47. The child Sara Abd al-Ilah Fatuh (Hamza’s sister).
48. The child Halima Abd al-Ilah Fatuh (Hamza’s sister).
49. The child Shahad Abd al-Ilah Fatuh (Hamza’s sister).
50. The grandfather of Hamza Abd al-Ilah Fatuh.
51. Muhammad Mustafa Da’boul.
52. Mustafa Muhammad Da’boul.
53. Mrs. Ruqayya Bayasi.
54. Othman Ahmad Othman.
57. Hassan Muhammad Othman.
58. Abd al-Karim Muhammad Othman.
59. The child Ahmad Muhammad Othman.
60. Shahada Muhammad Taha.
61. Muhammad Shahada Muhammad Taha.
62. Yasir Ahmad Shahada Taha.
63. Maysar Ahmad Shahada Taha.
64. Othman Mustafa Jalul.
65. Abd al-Rahman Sa’id Jalul.
66. Zakariya Ahmad Hussein (al-Shawish).
67. Mrs. Manar Bayasi (aged 25)/on leave in mathematics from Tishrin University/wife of Zakariya Ahmad Hussein (al-Shawish).
68. Mu’adh Tayyiba.
69. Muhammad Tayyiba (Mu’adh’s father).
70. Muhammad Yusuf Taha.
71. Khayr al-Din Yusuf Taha (Muhammad’s brother).
72. Khalid Taha (cousin of the two preceding).
73. Muhammad Taha (aged 100).
74. Abd al-Satar Ismail.
75. Mu’adh Abd al-Satar Ismail.
76. Zakariya Ismail (Abd al-Satar’s brother).
77. Jamal Ismail.
78. Karam Omar Swaid.
79. Khalid Mahmoud (Nuniya).
80. Ahmad Shahada.
81. Yasir Ahmad Shahada.
82. Mrs. Maysar Ahmad Shahada.
83. Muhammad Hussein Qaddour.
84. Jalal Hussein Qaddour.
85. Hafiz Qaddour.
86. Mustafa Hussein Qaddour.
87. The child who was the son of Mustafa Hussein Qaddour/aged four.
88. Jamila Mustafa Qaddour.
89. The child Marwan, son of Jamila Mustafa Qaddour.
90. The child Safa’ Ali Khalil, the daughter of the martyr Jamila Mustafa Hussein Qaddour.
91. Ahmad Muhammad Swaid.
92. Omar Aziz Bayasi.
93. Abd al-Rahman al-Shaghari.
94. Ahmad Muhammad al-Shaghari/father of Muhammad and Othman Ahmad al-Shaghari.
95. Muhammad Ahmad al-Shaghari/burned with his brother Othman and his father Ahmad.
96. Othman Ahmad al-Shaghari/the brother of Muhammad Ahmad al-Shaghari.
97. The child Sabah Ahmad al-Shaghari (aged 12).
98. Maher al-Shaghari.
99. Ahmad Muhammad Bayasi.
100. Muhammad Ahmad Bayasi/nickname Abu Ahmad Munira.
101. Yusuf Bayasi.
102. Muhammad Bayasi.
103. Mustafa Bayasi.
104. Mrs. Amina Hamouda (wife of Mustafa Bayasi).
105. Obeid Mustafa Bayasi.
106. The child the daughter of Obeid Mustafa Bayasi (aged three months).
107. Mustafa Ahmad Swaid.
108. The wife of Mustafa Swaid.
109/110/111. Three female children the three daughters of Mustafa Ahmad Swaid.
112. Ahmad Mustafa Swaid.
113. Othman Mustafa Swaid.
114. Muhammad Mustafa Swaid.
115. Sa’id Mustafa Swaid.
116. Muhammad Abd al-Aziz Hamouda.
117. Ammar Muhammad Hamouda.
118. Ahmad Mustafa Mahmoud.
119. Muhammad Ahmad Mahmoud.
120. Khalid Mustafa Mahmoud.
121. Lu’ay Ahmad Namoura.
122. Hussein Ja’afar Ismail.
124. Ali Muhammad.
125. Muhammad Tayyiba’s mother.
126. The child the daughter of Maher Qaddour.
127. Osama Abd al-Razzaq al-Shaghari.
128. Muhammad Ibrahim Othman (Abu Mamdouh).
129. Wasim Othman.
130. Zakariya al-Dabash.
131. The child Muhammad Sabhi al-Dabash.
132. Abd al-Razzaq Mahmoud.
133. Mrs. Fatima al-Shaghari.
134. Ahmad Ibrahim Bayasi.
135. The child of Sabah Othman/sister of Muhammad Othman.
136. Yasir Muhammad Ali Lulu.
137. Yusuf Fatuh.
138. Na’im Badr Atiq.
139. Abu Ahmad Munira.
140. Mrs. A’isha Aziz Bayasa.
141. Abdallah Fatuh.
142. Muhammad Fatuh.
143. Izz al-Din Bayasi.
144. Ibrahim Awad/elderly.
145. Karim Swaid.
146. Asif Jaber Sha’aban.
147. Shaheed the son of Ahmad Sha’ban.
148. Ibrahim Namura
150. Ahmad Fatuh.
151. Mrs. Rania Fatuh/sister of Ahmad and Muhammaf Fatuh.
152. The mother of Rania Fatuh.
153-154. Two unidentified martyrs because of the distortion of their face in a video documenting the event.
155. Unidentified martyr because of distortion in the head no. 2
156. Unidentified martyr because of distortion in the head no. 3.
157. Unidentified martyr no. 4.
158. Unidentified martyr because his face was burned and distorted: no. 5.
159. Unidentified martyr because head smashed: no. 6.
160. Child slaughtered and unidentified.
161-164. Four martyrs unidentified because their corpses were charred.
162. The child Mu’adh Abd al-Man’am Bayasi (al-Fatuh)/year and a half old; his mother Manal Muhammad Saqr, sister of the martyr Ala’ Saqr/slaughtered with his siblings Amina, Iman and Afnan Abd al-Man’am Bayasi.
163. Amina Abd al-Man’am Bayasi (al-Fatuh)/six years old.
164. The child Iman Abd al-Man’am Bayasi (al-Fatuh)/five years old.
165. The child Afnan Abd al-Man’am Bayasi (al-Fatuh)/three years old.
They were slaughtered with their moher and little brother Mu’adh.
166. Ala’ Saqr/brother of the female martyr Manal Saqr.
167. The female child Sana Muhammad Ismail/14 years old.
168. Muhammad Abd al-Rahman Ismail.
169. Walid Muhammad Akari.
170. Mustafa Ahmad Khalouf Sha’aban.
171. Mustafa Omar Hassan (al-Sheikh)
172. Majid Omar Hussein.
173. Ibrahim Ali al-Shaghari/media activist.
174. Ali Jamal Ismail.
175. Anwar Fu’ad Ja’afar.
176. Hassan Fu’ad Ja’afar.
177. Abd al-Satar Muhammad al-Qadi.
178. Abd al-Qadir Muhammad Taha/aged 31, accountant in the town market (bazaar).
179. Muhannad Muhammad Taha/aged 19, first year student in college of law.
180. The child Ibrahim Muhammad Taha/aged 15/student.
181. Walid Rahmoun/farmer from outside al-Bayda.
182. Haitham al-Agha/farmer from outside al-Bayda.
183. Ahmad Abd al-Rahman Warid.
184. The child Abd al-Rahman Ahmad Warid/aged 3.
186. Yusuf Suleiman Yasin.
187. Mustafa Yusuf Yasin.
188. Ahmad Hussein Ja’afar.
189. Ahmad Sha’aban al-Muhammad.
190. Safi Muhammad Taha.
191. Ahmad Ali Hussein.
192. Ali Ahmad Hussein.
193. Ala’ Ahmad Hussein.
194. Ma’an Ali Khalil.
195. Fatima Mustafa Asoum (wife of Mustafa Qaddour).
196. Faris Mustafa Khalil.
197. Muhammad Khalil Khalil.
198. Ghassan Muhammad Hussein.
199. A brother of Muhammad Abd al-Aziz Hamouda.
200. A second brother of Muhammad Abd al-Aziz Hamouda.
201. Mamdouh Ali Hussein.
202. Ahmad Mustafa Saqr.
203. Ibrahim Mustafa Saqr.
204. Osama Mustafa Saqr.
205. Safwan Ahmad Swaid.
206. Ahmad Ibrahim al-Shaghari.
207. Mustada Ali Hussein.
208. Muhammad Ali Hussein.
209. A’isha Hussein.
210. Nusaiba Abdallah Bayasa.
211. Rania Abdallah Bayasa.
212. Samia Abdallah Bayasa.
213. Ahlam Abdallah Bayasa.
214. Wala’ Abdallah Bayasa.
215. Ahmad Abd al-Rahman Warid.
216. Abd al-Rahman Ahmad Warid.
217. Yusuf Suleiman Yasin.
218. Mustafa Yusuf Yasin.
219. Omar Yusuf Taha.
220. Mustafa Taha.
221. Abd al-Rahman Mustafa Taha.
222. Muhammad Mustafa Taha.
223-226: Four martyrs whose names have not come, from the workers with Omar al-Badawi.
227-230. Four martyrs whose names have not come: defected soldiers whose names have been kept back out of concern for the safety of their family from the repression of the governmental forces.
231-264. 33 martyrs whose names have not come because of the charring of their corpses and the difficulty of identifying them as they were burned in the shop of Azzam Bayasi in the village after their execution.
Names of the massacre of the Ras al-Naba’ neighbourhood and the true number is greater than this.
1. Mustafa Rajab/grandfather, elderly man.
2. Ahmad Mustafa Rajab/first son of Mustafa Rajab, and his wife and children (17 martyrs).
3. Mrs. Tahani al-‘Asar/wife of Ahmad Mustafa Rajab.
4. The child Karam Ahmad Mustafa Rajab/aged 3, his mother being Tahani al-‘Asar.
5-18. 14 of the children and family of Ahmad Mustafa Rajab whose names have not come.
19. Mahmoud Mustafa Rajab/second son of Mustafa Rajab.
20-21. Mrs. Nour Suhaib Khadam and the child with which she was pregnant/wife of Mahmoud Mustafa Rajab.
22. The child Fatima Mahmoud Mustafa Rajab/one year old/her mother being Nour Suhaib Khadam.
23. The child who was the son of Mahmoud Mustafa Rajab/aged two.
24. Mrs. Iman Mustafa Rajab.
25. Mrs. Dua’ Mustafa Rajab.
26. Muhammad Abd al-Rahman Suleiman.
27. The wife of Muhammad Abd al-Rahman Suleiman.
28. The child Hamza Muhammad Abd al-Rahman Suleiman.
29. The child Abd al-Rahman Muhammad Abd al-Rahman Suleiman.
30. The child Hikmat Muhammad Abd al-Rahman Suleiman.
31. The child A’isha Muhammad Abd al-Rahman Suleiman.
32. Ra’afat Abd al-Rahman Suleiman (Abu Safwan).
33. Mrs. A’isha Taha/wife of Ra’afat Abd al-Rahman Suleiman.
34. Safwan Ra’afat Abd al-Rahman Suleiman/his mother being Fatima Sahyuni the mother of Muhammad Suleiman/second wife of Ra’afat Suleiman.
35. Assam Ra’afat Abd al-Rahman Suleiman/his mother being Fatima Sahyuni the mother of Muhammad Suleiman/second wife of Ra’afat Suleiman.
36. Ali Muhammad Taha.
37. The martyr Fatat Taha.
38. The martyr Sabah Taha.
39. The martyr Jamila Muhammad Taha.
40. The mother of Ali Sabiha Taha.
41. Her son Ali Jum’a.
42. The wife of Ali Jum’a.
43. The child who is the daughter of Ali Jum’a.
44. The child who is the son of Ali Jum’a/15 days old.
45. The mother of Ahmad Khadija Taha.
46-47. Two children who are sons of Khadija Taha.
48. The child who is the daughter of Khadija Taha.
49. Mrs. Latifa Abd al-Qadir Jalul, the mother of Muhammad Taha.
50. The child Yusra Taha/the daughter of Latifa Jalul.
51. The child Muhammad Khalid Taha/son of Latifa Jalul.
52. The child Yasir Khalid Taha/son of Latifa Jalul.
53. Ahmad Muhammad Taha (al-Makhraz).
54. Mrs. Jamila Muhammad Taha.
55. Sa’id Abd al-Rahman Jalul.
56. Mahmoud Abd al-Qadir Jalul.
58. Osama Abd al-Qadir Jalul.
59. Ahmad Abd al-Qadir Jalul.
60. The child Nour Abd al-Fattah Sahyuni.
61. The child Muhammad Sahyuni.
62. The child Rasha Sahyuni.
63. He child Hana’ Jalul.
64. Abd al-Rahman Sa’id Jalul/Abu Sa’id.
65. The female media activist Bayan Abd al-Rahman Jalil, admin of the Baniyas coordination committee and a member of the local coordination committees in Baniyas/her activist name being Sham.
66. The child Rawan Abd al-Rahman Jalul.
67. The child Sana’ Abd al-Rahman Jalul.
68. Muhammad Jalul nicknamed al-Dahbash.
69. The child Mustafa Muhammad Jalul.
70. The child Abd al-Qadir Jalul.
71. The child Muna Jalul.
72. The child Aboud Jalul.
73. The martyr Wafa’ Mustafa Jalul/the daughter of the martyr Jalila Taha.
74. Abd al-Rahman Mustafa Jalul (Abu Sa’id).
75. The child Ghazal Sa’id Jalul.
76. The child Hana’ Jalul.
77. The child Ibrahim Haitham Skaif (aged five months).
78. The child Rafif Muhammad Skaif (aged five months).
79. Bassam al-Zozo.
80. Samir al-Zozo.
81. Abu Yusuf al-Zozo.
82. Yasir Khalid Hussein.
83. Hussein Khalid Hussein.
84. The martyr Yusra Khalid Hussein.
85. The martyr Fatat Khalid Hussein.
86. Ahmad Hani Hussein, known by the name of Ahmad Hani.
87. Ziyad Kamoun.
88. Ahmad Adham Kamoun.
89. The martyr Manar Kamoun.
90. Adhan Nadim Kamoun (Abu Nadim).
91. Mrs. Abir Abd al-Rahman al-Sheikha (aged 35).
92. Abd al-Rahman Ismail al-Sheikha (al-Hallaq), aged 64.
93. The martyr Badi’a Khalid Saliha.
94-100. Seven children, the children of Badi’a Khalid Saliha.
101. Ahmad Lulu.
102. Nawar Lulu.
103. Muhammad Lulu.
104. Ahmad Mustafa al-Sabagh.
105. The martyr Khadija Khalil (the wife of the martyr Ahmad al-Sabagh).
106. Ammar Ahmad al-Sabagh.
107. Mustafa Ali al-Sabagh.
108. Nabil Ali al-Sabagh.
109. Walid Ali al-Sabagh.
110. Tha’ir Muhammad Hussamo.
111. Abd al-Latif Hussamo.
112. Mahmoud Khadam Abu Mustafa/slaughtered.
113. Qutaiba Mahmoud Khadan/son of Abu Mustafa.
114. Ahmad Muhammad Bakour/nicknamed Abu Muhammad and known as Ahmad Ali Hussein from the inhabitants of al-Maydan neighbourhood, martyred in Ras al-Naba’.
115. Mrs. Sana’ Ahmad al-Masri.
116. Mrs. Muna Adnan al-Masri (Umm Sa’id).
117. Kamal Jamal Warid.
118. The martyr Fahima Yasin Yasir/20 years old.
119. The martyr Fatima Jamil al-‘Asar/28 years old.
120. The martyr A’isha Khalid (Tarbushi).
121. The child Muhammad Nour Yasir Murad/nine years old.
122. The martyr Halima Muhammad Ayrout.
123. Maher Sha’aban.
124. Omar Mousa.
125. Mrs. A’isha Subhi Halima.
126. Faysal Othman al-‘Alqaini.
127. The martyr Amal Ali Hajira.
128. Eisa al-Turk.
129. The child Yasir Yusuf al-Zair (aged 16), killed in the bombing.
130. Name not come.
131. Raghib Hijazi.
132. Haitham al-Fahal.
133. Haitham al-Fahal’s wife.
134. The child who is the daughter of Haitham al-Fahal.
135. Asif Jaber Sha’aban.
136. Haitham Ibrahim Skaif.
137. Bassam Muhammad Ahmad/aged 33/painter/executed with bulles in his home.
138. The child Ghazal al-Masri.
139. The martyr Sabah Mousa.
140. The martyr Fatima Sahyuni.
141. The martyr Sharaf al-Faran.
142. Aboud Abdallah (Aboud Jamila).
143. Omar Othman.
144. Eisa Rakhamiya.
145-149. Five martyrs, charred corpses unidentified.
150-157. Eight martyrs unidentified and found with hands bound near the shop of Ismail Rakhamiya.
158. The child who is the daughter of Muhammad Sahyuni, nicknamed Hamid al-Fahal/lower half of her body burned.
159. Abd al-Razzaq Awama Abu Ziyad/Tartous/village of Basatin Islam, executed after his arrest on 3 May 2013 in the Ras al-Naba’ massacre.
160. A martyr whose name has not come/from al-Qarbat (al-Nour) near the shop of Ismail Rakhamiya.
161. Basil Adnan Namoura.
162. Muhammad Ahmad Mhamoud, nicknamed Abu Shakir.
163. Ahmad Ali Saqr.
164. Muhammad Arnaout/Latakia/Jabla.
165. Ahmad Arnaout/Latakia/Jabla.
166. Muhammad Tayara.
167. Badr Ibrahim Awad.
168. Emad whose surname has not come/IDP from Aleppo.
169. Mustafa Ali Hussein/Aleppo/from the IDPs to the city.
170. Muhammad Ali Hussein/Aleppo/from the IDPs to the city.
171. Muhammad Rasul/Homs/from the IDPs to Ras al-Naba’.
172. Anas Rasul/Homs/from the IDPs to Ras al-Naba’.
173. Mrs. Wafa’ Rasul/Homs/from the IDPs to Ras al-Naba’.
174-178. Omar Izz al-Din and his family/Homs/from the IDPs to Ras al-Naba’/his wife and three children.
179. Mahmoud Qasim Yasin.
180. Mrs. Halima Ahmad Yasin.
181. The child Muntaha Mahmoud Yasin.
182. The child Saidra Tahuf/three years old.
183. Mrs. Khadija Khalid Jalul/wife of Abd al-Rahman Suleiman.
184. Mrs. Fatima Taha (mother of Muhammad Suleiman.
185. Unknown martyr no. 1.
186. Unknown martyr no. 2.
187. Unknown martyr no. 3.
188. Unknown martyr no. 4.
189. Unknown martyr no. 5.
190. Unknown martyr no. 6.
191. Unknown martyr no. 7.
192. Unknown martyr no. 8.
193. Child son of Mahmoud Mustafa Rajab/two years old.
194. Muhammad Mustafa Jalul.
195. Ahmad Jum’a Taha.
List of names of detained and kidnapped
Huge numbers of the people were kidnapped and we no longer know anything about their fate and we have been able to record 40 of the people of the locality and they are:
1. Sadiq Muhammad Hadla.
2. Aamer Muhammad Hadla.
3. Maher Muhammad Hadla.
4. Ala’ Muhammad Hadla.
5. Ala’ Jawdat Hadla.
6. Yasir Abd al-Razzaq al-Sayyid.
7. Ghyath (Amin) Muhi al-Din and his father.
8. Abd al-Aziz Awama.
9. The sheikh Shahada Omar al-Sayyid (imam and preacher of the mosque of the village).
10. Yahya Hassan Abd al-Wahid.
11. Mustafa Muhammad Murad.
12. Khalid Muhammad Murad (Abu al-Shay).
13. Jalal Muhammad Murad.
14. Ahmad Ali Amish.
15. Omar Ahmad Amish.
16. Yasir Ahmad Amish.
17. Ali Muhammad Halloum.
18. Ahmad Muhammad Haloum (disabled).
19. Wa’il Mahmoud Halloum (aged 13).
20. Muhammad Ahmad Amish and his children (Ghazi)- aged 55.
21. Adnan Abd al-Aziz Awama (aged 14).
22. Ala’ Muhammad Amish (aged 16).
23. Khalid Muhammad Amish (aged 14).
24. Abd al-Karim Amish and his children.
25. Muhammad Ali Hallum (aged 28).
26. Mustafa Halloum (Abu Ahmad): aged 70.
27. Muhammad Abd al-Qadir Khalil (aged around 40).
28. Muhammad Shakir (Mustafa): aged around 50.
29. Osama Muhammad Shakir (aged 18).
30. Ammar Muhammad Shakir (aged 25).
31. Abd al-Rahman Muhammad Amish (aged 15).
32. Mustafa Muhammad Amish (aged eight).
33. Walid Khalil (Abu Muhammad Ghanoum): around 50 years old.
34. Khalid Salim Hussein: around 50 years old.
35. Abd al-Karim Ismail Mahmoud (Abu Ali al-Samak): around 60 years old.
36. Mahmoud Ahmad Murad and his children (fish-seller): around 60 years old.
37. Muhammad al-Jundi and his children.
38. Khalid al-Jundi.
39. Ahmad al-Jundi.
40. Adnan al-Jundi.
Corpses of the Ahl al-Sunna in the villages of the Nusayris.
Piles of the slain in al-Bayda and Ras al-Naba’
The children Sabah Taha and Wafa’ Jalul from Ras al-Naba’
The children Ayah and Rahaf and Ali al-Sabagh from Ras al-Naba’
The child Abd al-Qadir Mustafa Jalul, killed with most of the members of his family in Ras al-Naba’
The child Isam Ra’afat Suleiman killed with all the members of his family from Ras al-Naba’: 3 May 2013.
The child Saidra Tahuf from Ras al-Naba’.
The children Nour and Muhammad and Rasha and Hana’ from Ras al-Naba’.
The child A’isha Muhammad Suleiman from Ras al-Naba’.
The children Mustafa Ahmad Rajab and Ayah Mustafa al-Sabagh.
The children A’isha Abdallah Fatuh and her sisters Sara and Halima
The child Nour Abd al-Fattah (may God accept her) from Ras al-Naba’.
Remembrance of Blood