While the Islamic State’s ‘Central Africa Province’ has primarily been associated with operations in Mozambique and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the group’s operations have expanded eastward from the DRC into Uganda, which in fact is the ultimate origin of the Islamic State-affiliated insurgency in the DRC, as the insurgency grew out of the majority faction within the so-called ‘Allied Democratic Forces’ that pledged allegiance to the Islamic State. To all African governments: I advise you for the sake of clarity to stop calling Islamic State insurgencies by the names of the groups in which they originated.
Below are today’s suicide bombing claims by the Islamic State, translated by me:
'Killing and wounding of more than 30 from the Crusader Ugandan police and its Christian subjects in two martyrdom attacks in Uganda.
Wilayat Wast Ifriqiya [Central Africa Province]: Tuesday 11 Rabi’ al-Thani 1443 AH
With granting of success from God Almighty, three of the knights of martyrdom set out towards the base of the idolatrous parliament and the main centre of the Crusader Ugandan police in the city of Kampala, as the first martyrdom operative (Abu Sabr al-Ugandi) blew up an explosive suitcase near the inspection point in front of the police centre, followed by Abu Shaheed al-Ugandi and Abd al-Rahman al-Ugandi who blew up two explosive suitcases, which they were carrying on board a motorcycle, upon the guards of the idolatrous parliament who were gathered near its entrance. The two explosions resulted in more than 30 killed and wounded from the personnel and officers of the police and the Christians who were in the place, and the destruction and damaging of many of their vehicles, and praise and thanks be to God.'
تنظيم الدولة هم عبارة عن وهم وحرب نفسية يتغلغل
في افكار بعض اصحاب العقول الضعيفة ولتي لا تعرف معنا خوض الحروب وتعيش الوهم الذي صنعته بعض من يريد التحكم بسياسة هناك امور كثيرة تحدث من قبل اناس عاديين ولهم تار على الدولة وعدما تخبر التنظيمات الأرهابية الاستخباراتيةرالداعشية لايرانيةرتقوم بتبني الخادثة وهيارليسا لها اية صلة بها لكي توهم جميع الدول بانها لها يد بكل ماكن واغلب الدول تصدق العبة الخبيثة المصطنعة لارهاب وايصال الفكرة بقوتهم وهم اناس عبارة عن تحار دماء في هاذا العالم