11 Years of the Syrian War: A German Muhajir's Perspective
Depending on individual perspectives and definitions, today marks 11 years since the outbreak of the Syrian civil war that was first marked by widespread protests across Syria. Eleven years later, the country remains divided in what is largely a frozen conflict. Below is a translation I have done into English and Latin of a post on this anniversary written by a German muhajir based in northwest Syria (whom I have interviewed previously).
The 11th Year in Honour
We have the 11th year in the Syrian jihad and we have a ground to celebrate this, even as many perhaps ask themselves what gains we have made through the jihad. I wanted to list them for you in a few points.
1. Bashar tried to bring in many Sunni Muslims with payment or houses in order for them to accept Alawism. I mean he makes men poor and lures them with money. Praise be to God that has come to an end through our struggle.
2. We know how to live our religion with dignity and there is no need to hide it.
3. There is rule with the Shari’a as far as possible and there are system and order in Islamic hands.
4. Many young people go to the Islamic university and have become students of ‘Ilm. Children learn the Qur’an and Islam, and one does not have to be silent about subjects.
5. Da’wa is held on the streets. Da’wa events are often organised where there are nashids and some words of reminder from the students of ‘Ilm etc.
We have call to prayer, mosques that make loud calls for what is good.
6. We are tested as God takes martyrs from us and also this is a favour from God, as well as a purification. Sometimes the testing is in the destroyed house or another, but just so these tests bring us back to the religion.
7. God’s religion is honoured.
These were some points about what gains have been acquired through the jihad and there are certainly still more benefits and wisdoms from our Lord that He knows. In general the jihad is a means to protect the religion.
(Latin translation)
annus honoris undecimus
undecim per annos jihad in Syria viximus et nobis est causa celebrandi, cum multi fortasse rogent quid per jihad obtinuerimus. itaque vobis pauca enumerare volui:
1. Bashar multis musulmanis sunnitis pecunia aut villis persuadere conatus est ut religionem alavitam acciperent, nam homines in paupertatem redactos pecunia illexit. quod (laus Deo) nostram propter pugnam recessit.
2. cum religione honorata vivamus, nihil celandum est.
3. cum lex islamica prout fieri potest regat, regimen ordinemque in manibus islamicis habemus.
4. multi iuvenes ad universitatem islamicam eunt et discipuli scientiae islamicae fiunt. liberis Alcoranum religionemque islamicam discentibus, nihil de rebus silendum est.
5. cum praedicatio islamica in viis habeatur, conventus saepe habentur in quibus cantus islamici cantantur cum verbis memorationis quae discipuli scientiae islamicae loquuntur. praeconium etiam et mezquitas habemus, quae voce magna ad bona vocant.
6. probamur quod Deus martyres e nobis accipit. quod est gratia Dei et purificatio. aliquando probatio in villa deleta aut alio loco est; probationes enimvero nos retro ad religione ducunt.
7. religio Dei honoratur.
cum haec verba sint pauca quae de beneficiis obtentis aguntur, haud dubie sunt plura quae Dominus noster mittit et scit. sed jihad in universum est modus defendendi religionem.